Overpriced, overly complex Enterprise Content Management has been commoditized and consumerized. Real people want the simplicity and familiarity of the tools they use day-in, day-out: shared drives and Microsoft Office.
Alfresco Document Management captures, shares and retains content, enabling users to version, search and simply build their own content applications - all with the tools they use today.
The Alfresco repository is the same as a shared drive. So out-of-the box you can keep using the authoring tools you know and like, from Microsoft Office to Open Office, Dreamweaver or AutoCAD, with no desktop installation or retraining. You just get what you want and your company wants - the ability to save, version, share, search and audit.
Alfresco integrates with Microsoft Office and Open Office. So you can continue to work in your office environment with no retraining. You just get what you want and your company wants - the ability to save, version, share, search, audit with simple workflow integration.
Alfresco turns the simple shared drive into a virtual file system where, through simple wizards, you can create the content applications you need. If you drag a document into a folder, you can start a workflow, perhaps converting the document to another format, moving it to another folder or notifying a set of users via email. Or the workflow might even extract properties, such as the author's name or other keywords, from the document so that you can use them to search for the document later. You just get the application you or your department need, all as simply as configuring an email rule.